In particular, the Sisters of Mercy and those who work alongside them, are called to make known this merciful love of God through an apostolic service to those in need.
Catherine challenges us to mercy
through her teaching and her action.
Mercy, she teaches us, is the principal path
marked out by Jesus for those who desire to follow him [OR8].
She imitated him in serving the afflicted,
through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy;
and she engaged in the particular ministries of
teaching, care of the sick, and offering refuge for women and children at risk of exploitation and homelessness. We continue these works as needed
but, knowing that God's promise of mercy
is to poor people of every age [Lk 1:50-54]
Mercy Constitutions, 2011,
As a community of believers, each Mercy school strives to proclaim the message of Jesus through the distinctive spirituality of the Sisters of Mercy. This spirituality is marked by faith in Jesus Christ, commitment to the primacy of love, an understanding of the world informed by faith and the celebration of the Eucharist in union with the poor and suffering. It is also marked by a devotion to Mary, Mother of God and Mother of Mercy, a trust in God’s loving providence, a respect for the dignity of the human person and a strong sense of social justice.
Each Mercy school strives to reflect in its structures, curriculum and practices and in the quality of the relationships within it, the particular spirit of mercy which Jesus lived and taught. Each school endeavours to reflect its commitment to these values by expressing its unity and solidarity with the poor, the unemployed, the distressed and the marginalised through its service to the community. Through their faithfulness to the spirit of Catherine McAuley’s vision, Mercy schools work to provide a Catholic Education which enables the formation of the whole person imbued with those values which Catherine exemplified.
To lead, govern and grow our schools confidently and courageously, faithful to Catherine McAuley’s vision of the lived Gospel, with particular concern for those on the margins.
To enrich a dynamic community of Catholic schools committed to the spirit of Mercy.